Scott Wiggerman is the author of Leaf and Beak: Sonnets (Purple Flag, 2015), Presence (Pecan Grove Press, 2011), and Vegetables and Other Relationships. A frequent workshop instructor, Scott served as editor for Wingbeats: Exercises and Practice in Poetry (2011) and Wingbeats II (2014), as well as four Dos Gatos Press collections, most recently Weaving the Terrain: 100-Word Southwestern Poems, the third installment in our series, Poetry of the Southwestern United States. A 2020 inductee into the Texas Institute of Letters, Scott served as editor of the Texas Poetry Calendar for ten years.
A Pushcart honoree, with a personal essay in Pushcart Prize XLII, David Meischen is the author of Anyone’s Son, winner of the John A. Robertson Award for Best First Book of Poetry from the Texas Institute of Letters (TIL). Nopalito: Stories is forthcoming from the University of New Mexico Press. David has twice received the Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story from TIL. His work has appeared in The Common, Copper Nickel, The Evansville Review, Salamander, Southern Poetry Review, The Southern Review, Valparaiso Fiction Review, and elsewhere. A former juror for the Kimmel Harding Nelson center for the arts, David completed a 2018 writing residency at Jentel Arts. A Dos Gatos Press co-founder, he served as editor for seven editions of the Texas Poetry Calendar. Several of our covers have been designed by David, including the 2016, 2017, and 2018 Texas Poetry Calendar.
History and Mission
Scott Wiggerman and David Meischen founded Dos Gatos Press in 2004. We published the Texas Poetry Calendar annually from 2006 to 2018. We have published four collections by individual poets: Shallow-Rooted Heart by Gregory Louis Candela, Circumference of Light by Bruce Noll, Letting Myself In by Anne McCrady, and Redefining Beauty—now in its third printing—poems focusing on former Texas Poet Laureate karla k. morton’s struggle with breast cancer. Among our proudest achievements are two remarkable books of poetry writing exercises, Wingbeats and Wingbeats II, co-edited by David and Scott. Finally, we have published four installments in our series, Poetry of the Southwestern United States: 22 Poems and a Prayer for El Paso, Weaving the Terrain: 100-Word Southwestern Poems, Bearing the Mask: Southwestern Persona Poems, and Lifting the Sky: Southwestern Haiku and Haiga. Having called Austin, Texas, home until the spring of 2015, we have made a place for ourselves in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
A nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation organized for literary and educational purposes, Dos Gatos Press seeks to make poetry more widely available to the reading public and to support writers of poetry—especially in Texas, New Mexico, and the Southwest.
Contact Us
Mailing Address
6452 Kola Court NWAlbuquerque, New Mexico 87120